matching gift donation

Beating the odds

Beating the odds

Nandini dreams of being a police officer.  But “the cards are stacked against her.”  She’s from a poor leprosy village. Her dad sells chicken eggs as his primary income. She and her two brothers know hunger because her parents struggle to put food on the table.  Yet...

February Good News Update

February Good News Update

Spring is coming, friends! It’s been a cold winter these last couple of weeks, and we hope that you and your loved ones have stayed safe during the storms. Thankfully, March is right around the corner, and we are excited to celebrate warmer weather! Meet Sathya:...

100% Matching Gift Happening Now

100% Matching Gift Happening Now

There are areas of our ministry that need urgent attention. Would you consider donating today to receive a 100% matching gift?   Here’s how your gift will impact people like Jay and the patients and villagers we serve.  The Hospice Building Needs Paint  Before we...

Urgent ministry needs update

Urgent ministry needs update

Hope was born in a stable so very long ago, so that we might have the hope we cling to today. Praise God for Jesus’s birth! It changed everything and gave us so much to celebrate.  “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will...