Urgent ministry needs update


Hope was born in a stable so very long ago, so that we might have the hope we cling to today. Praise God for Jesus’s birth! It changed everything and gave us so much to celebrate. 

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33 

This has been a hard year for many of us, but as Jesus once said, “Take heart!” So this Christmas season, we take heart, we hold tight to hope, and we pray that you have a very special holiday with your loved ones. 

Today, we wanted to share about some areas that need urgent attention, and for a limited time, there is a Matching Gift of up to $30,000. Here’s how your gift will greatly impact those living with leprosy:

Hospice Roof Tiles Need To Be Replaced 

It’s a major concern because the water is leaking onto the floors. Our patients have limited mobility, and it makes cleaning up challenging. It’s also unhealthy for the leaky water to soak floors and furniture and impact the air. 

Hospice Kitchen Efficiency Update

We serve 60+ patients and staff meals three times a day, seven days a week, plus snacks. An updated kitchen is imperative to make the process more efficient as we care for the most vulnerable in our ministry.

The dollar goes a long way in India.

Please consider contributing today and receive a 100% match. Your gift will help us provide excellent care for those hurting. Learn more here. All donations go 100% to India and are tax-deductible.