100% Matching Gift Happening Now

EAV, Leprosy

There are areas of our ministry that need urgent attention.

Would you consider donating today to receive a 100% matching gift?  

Here’s how your gift will impact people like Jay and the patients and villagers we serve. 

The Hospice Building Needs Paint 

Before we moved to this facility, no one came near the area because of the leprosy stigma. Since we’ve been here, the land around us has developed. Upkeep of our building is important to patients and vital to community relationships with the people in the surrounding area. 

New Hospice Sanitation Maintenance / Septic Tank 

Our tank cannot keep up, and a new tank is essential to accommodate the current and expected expanded patient load.

Read more about how your gift will make an impact here. 

Thank you for trusting us as we serve those most vulnerable. 

Consider contributing today and receive a 100% match up to $30,000.


 All donations go 100% to India and are tax-deductible.