Nandini dreams of being a police officer. 

But “the cards are stacked against her.” 

She’s from a poor leprosy village. Her dad sells chicken eggs as his primary income. She and her two brothers know hunger because her parents struggle to put food on the table. 

Yet God. He has other plans for Nandini and her family. 

And He is giving them a way out of their poverty. 

When Nandini’s parents first heard about EAV six years ago, they knew they wanted their kids to attend our tutoring program. Not only could we help them with their studies, and connect them with further learning opportunities, but we could also meet an immediate need and provide a much needed meal for them each day. It was a relief and no-brainer to send their children to us. 

Today, Nandini is a thriving sixth grader with big dreams. She’s a great Kabadi player (kind of like capture the flag, sans the flag), and she LOVES Fridays when we worship and talk about Jesus. 

Nandini’s parents took a risk entrusting their kids to us, and it was so worth it. Their children now have opportunities to step into bright futures where hunger pains are a distant memory. Our staff lovingly guides them as they choose courses, finish their formative years, and help them figure out what life will look like once they graduate. The teachers encourage kids like Nandini and her brothers to overcome obstacles that inhibit them from following their dreams. We are grateful for a change to partner with these families and shift the narrative from desperation to hope. 

Thank you for journeying with us. Thanks for making an impact in these kids’ lives and for helping us break the cycle of poverty one family at a time. If you’d like to learn more about how you can help, head to our website for more information.