Introducing our new guidance counseling service!

EAV, Little Lights After School Tutoring

We have some exciting news about our Little Lights Program!

We’ve launched a career and guidance counseling service for all of our 10th-12th grade students. We recently sat down with these students to hear their hearts and were blown away! It was incredible to hear about their plans for the future. 

Some students leave Little Lights and do not go to college, but with this guidance program, we believe that they will have a much higher chance of success as we invest in them and develop their paths for the future. Uncertainty often leads to analysis paralysis, and we want these students to leave our program feeling confident about the next steps in their education. 

We uncover the top interests of the students and help align them with the right schools and teach them how to pursue their career choice. They are not defined by leprosy, and we hope to help them overcome the stigma that has plagued their family for far too long.

Students often stay with us their whole school career

Many students come to us early on in their education, and we get to be part of their journey for many years. Students like Sathya who was just five years old when she arrived at Little Lights. We tutored her throughout her education, and now she is in nursing school! Read her whole story here.

Our tutoring model has been quite effective, and we’ve helped launch so many kids into the next chapter of their lives. Jobin was part of our program and, today, he is studying in Italy. You can read his story here.

Thank you for making a difference

We are so excited about this counseling service because we believe it will empower them to go to college and become successful members of society, but we can’t do this work without people like you. Your gifts fund our teacher’s salaries, allow us to have excellent tutoring material, and provide nutritious meals for our students (often the only meal they eat that whole day!) 

This guidance counseling program is a new and unique initiative that we are implementing during 2022, and we need help guiding these teens as they seek to achieve their dreams. If you’d like to partner with what we are doing, you can view our giving options here. 

Leprosy might try to ruin these kid’s futures, but with God’s grace and your support, they have very bright tomorrows up ahead.