Update from Jobin in Italy!


Remember Jobin, the missionary kid?
We got to sit down with him and hear about his Italy adventure so far!


You may remember the story about Jobin, the young man who grew up around Embrace a Village as his parents served our patients at the hospice center. 

In case you haven’t heard about him, here’s the blog where we share his story.

The team and I recently Zoomed with Jobin to hear how his studies in Italy are going, and from the sound of it, they are going amazing!

Things look different due to the pandemic, so he’s taking all the classes virtually. It’s a bit lonely living in a new city, not knowing the language, and not getting out much, but Jobin assured us that he is loving Italia and making new friends! 

He sent us this picture with his classmates during a rare meetup.

(Jobin is the second from the right in the black jacket and black mask.)

He loves the culture and the food!

One thing that surprised all of us is how grown up he’s looking these days! In just two months, he’s transformed. His hair is longer and styled, he had on hip lowlight glasses, and he’s even growing a beard! We should have taken a picture of him — we’ll be sure to share a new one soon!

Jobin also mentioned that he LOVES Italian pizza. His landlord, who is watching after him, bought them a pizza for New Year’s, and Jobin was blown away by how delicious it was!

Spiritual warfare is all around

It sounds like the spiritual climate is intense over there, so if you all could be praying for divine protection over him, I would appreciate it (and so would his parents!)

He says he’s praying a lot and that the Lord is meeting him in his homesickness too. 

Studies are exciting and fun for him 

Jobin is excelling in his studies and even teaching classmates a thing or two about design. We’ll have more to share in the blog later this month, but wanted to let you all know that he arrived safely and is doing well.

Thank you for cheering for him and praying over him. It’s making a difference.

As always, thank you for your interest in Embrace a Village. We appreciate your prayers and willingness to partner with us in our mission to serve those impacted by leprosy.  

God Bless,

Joe, Anil, and Team EAV