August 2021 Newsletter – updates on the medical van and house churches!

EAV, Stories

Medical Van Is Paving the Way for the Gospel

Patients living in remote villages often endure long commutes to access primary health care. It’s exhausting, and a bit overwhelming, so many avoid seeking treatment altogether.

That’s why we are so excited about our newly equipped medical van! Our staff now serves even more patients and provides free ulcer care along with custom-made footwear options to improve their quality of life.

150 people attended our recent medical van gathering

The villagers were so happy to see us, and it was our joy to serve them! Eighty people received new shoes, and everyone there received 10kg of rice, and then enjoyed fellowship together over lunch. 

It was an amazing experience! The medical van is already deeply impacting the communities where we serve, and we can’t wait to see what God has in store! 

Curious what else is happening in the ministry? Read more stories here.

How your prayers and partnership make a difference spiritually!

Thanks to your prayers and our wonderful team in India, so many at Embrace A Village are experiencing a revival that is humbling us to our core. 

In our small corner of the country, hundreds of patients have accepted Jesus and are part of our 40 house churches. 

The believers in our community are growing in their faith and standing strong even as the world around them erupts in chaos. The pandemic didn’t dim their fire, and we conducted Bible study and prayer calls via Zoom and WhatsApp throughout this last year, and now celebrate that we can meet in person!

Our forty house churches meet on weekdays, and the three churches meet on Sunday morning. The children’s Sunday school is thriving, and our discipleship training program is in full swing. And of course, during the summers, our children’s Vacation Bible School is always a big hit! 

We are grateful for the strong prayer support within the colonies, and God is pouring out His showing mercy on us!

Through our monthly giving program, Embrace Hope, you can make the House Churches and Discipleship Program part of your monthly giving as we fervently work to advance the Gospel. 

$25 a month gifts families with life-changing spiritual nourishment and Bibles.

Join Embrace Hope Today

An Update from Jobin

Our team recently chatted with Jobin (former EAV missionary kid turned Italian design school prodigy) and he is thriving! He’s receiving high marks and dreaming big with hopes of working in Uganda in the car industry.

As a designer, his heart desires to create good products for less cost and he’s interested in helping people in Africa. Thankfully, his school has a department that will help him find a job once he graduates, but we invite you to pray for favor and that the Lord will open the right doors when it’s time to find a job. 

He’s focusing on his studies, leaning on the Lord to be His strength, making new friends, and working really hard. 

Thank you for following his journey. We will share more updates soon!

A Note from Joe

The past 18+ months have been hard on all of us. To be able to come to you today and share what’s happening in the life of the Church in India is surreal. We have prayed that God’s love would explode in the hearts of the Indian people and ripple through the colonies, and we are watching this unfold. Truly, to God be the glory!

Thank you for your continued support of our mission and God’s work in India. We are so grateful for each of you.

Bless you, 

Joe, Anil, and Team EAV