40 House Churches and Counting

EAV, Stories

40 House Churches and Growing

One of our main focuses is bringing spiritual transformation to those impacted by leprosy. We started Sunday school for kids, Gospel meetings and worship nights in the colonies, and Vacation Bible School during the summer holidays. We also have house fellowship gatherings and regular Bible studies. There is also a discipleship training program available for all interested adults. 

Hundreds of patients have come to know the Lord and are part of our house fellowship. By God’s grace, we have created a strong spiritual foundation in the lives of these precious people. And because of this spiritual foundation, they are standing strong even during the pandemic. 

Even during the lockdown, we conducted Bible studies and prayer calls over Zoom or Whatsapp video calls. We now have the opportunity to meet in person again. 

Our 40 house fellowships meet during the weekdays, and we have three churches meeting on Sunday morning. We have strong prayer support from the colonies, and God is continuously showing mercy upon us!

Make funding the House Church Project and discipleship program part of your monthly routine as a member of Embrace Hope. Giving $25 a month will gift families with spiritual nourishment and Bibles.


From overwhelming loneliness to prayer warrior

Abraham is a man of joy even though he is affected by leprosy. He says, “the reason for my joy is Jesus.”

When he contracted the disease, he was helping his father sell fish. At first, he saw some patches and thought it might be from the fish. But slowly it spread all over his body. His situation grew worse, and he was admitted to a hospital. He was devastated and so lonely. His dreams felt like a distant memory.

He begged for years until people visited where he lived and provided him with free bandages and 10 kg rice. They visited him regularly with bandages for ulcers and the Good News of Gospel. Abraham was so touched by the love and care. He accepted Jesus and wanted to be a follower for the rest of his life.

Today, the Lord has filled him with great joy and happiness. Abraham now is a man of prayer and a great singer too! He says, “As long as I live I will sing for the Lord, because he has given me joy where I thought my life was finished. Jesus has given me a new life to begin with. Thank you Jesus.”

Thanks to Embrace A Village supporters like you, the team is taking the Gospel to the villages, and the House Church movement is on fire! And people like Abraham are getting spiritual fed, physical nourishment, and medical supplies they need to thrive.

Goodbye, loneliness. – Hello, community.

Having leprosy should never block someone from being able to live fully alive. As a member of Embrace Hope, you’ll fund resources that empower families to live to their full potential through furthering education, receiving discipleship and spiritual encouragement, nourishment, medical supplies, and any opportunity that comes their way.


Thank you for believing in a world where people with leprosy can be accepted and thrive. 

We are so grateful to do this work alongside supporters like you.