January Good News Update


We hope that you and your family are having a special start to 2021. We are so grateful for each of you.

Meet Ranganathan: A single dad’s story of survival

When Ranganathan’s daughter was one year old, he developed leprosy, and his wife left him. He was terrified that the disease might spread to his little girl, so he asked his mother to care for her. 

Hospitalized and alone

For the last six years, his mother has cared for his child. Ranganathan’s legs eventually became badly infected from the ulcers, so he was hospitalized. While there, he learned about EAV. 

He shared with us, “Last year I came to Embrace A Village to get better care. Since then, it’s been a wonderful experience. The staff were loving and caring towards me. We get nutritious food every day. I come to know about Christ’s unconditional love. I accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as my personal savior. My life has changed so much.”

Reuniting father and daughter

As his mother gets older, it’s harder for her to care for Maheshwary, now seven. Ranganathan shared about her situation and now she lives with him at our compound. 

Ranganathan says, “I am so happy because I am able to stay with my daughter. We both are happy and peaceful at this beautiful place.”

What the devil meant to destroy, God has restored. We are rejoicing over this family being reunited! Aren’t they precious? Those smiles are priceless. 

On the Blog in January

This month, we sat down with Jobin, the missionary kid from our base who is living out his dreams in Italy. It’s one of the newest updates on the blog. You can find it here.  

You also won’t want to miss Ezhumalai’s story. When all was lost, and rejection felt like it would wipe him out, Ezhumalai met Jesus and found new life. 

Kitchen Update

Thanks to your generous giving during the Matching Gift Initiative in December, we’ve been able to start renovations on the kitchen!

We are so grateful for you all and pray that you have a blessed day!

Embracing a Calling a World Away 

For $25 a month, you can make an eternal impact in the life of someone with leprosy. That’s like trading five cups of coffee for medical aid, food, bibles, and more for our patients and their families! Find out more on our website.

Thanks for being part of our January Good News update!