Happy Thanksgiving from all of us at Embrace a Village

Children, EAV, Leprosy, Stories

From our family to yours, Happy Thanksgiving!

Here’s a short video from our friends at the Embrace a Village hospice and rehabilitation center thanking you for your generosity!

We are so grateful for your partnership as we serve those in India struggling with the devastating effects of leprosy.

We have witnessed so many incredible God moments over this last year, and it fills our hearts with gratitude. Time and again, He has faithfully led us. Thank you for following our journey and praying over our staff and the patients we serve in India. You can read more about these stories here.

Thank you for helping us share the love of Jesus!

Have a blessed Thanksgiving with friends and family. 


Joe, Anil, and Team EAV

Praise + Prayer Reports

  • Praise that our patients in hospice and rehab are feeling calmer and more joyful.
  • Praise that Jobin and Sathya are both THRIVING
  • Pray for God’s hand of protection over our staff and patients. 
  • Pray for unity and hope to abound throughout EAV and the regions where we serve.
  • Pray for Hema as she begins nursing school and adjusting to her new life. If you missed our last correspondence, here is an update.

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