Villager offers heartfelt thanks for food and medical supplies


Kicked out of her village at eight years old

This is Indirani. She contracted the disease when she was eight years old and hasn’t seen her family since. After trying to go back to her village, she shared with us through tear-filled eyes that she was pushed out and unwelcome.

Today, she is 60 years old and lives with her husband, Selvaraj, in one of the leprosy colonies. 

She told us how blessed she feels for the rice and the medical supplies they have received during this lockdown. The villagers are so vulnerable, but especially so during this pandemic. 

Indirani and her husband don’t have to beg, worry about food, or try to find bandages for their ulcers because of the provisions provided by EAV. They are safely tucked away at home and attend our regular prayer meeting online. 

Indirani says that many with leprosy would have died from lack of food and medicine if Team EAV had not visited and shared supplies. 

God is so good!

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