Tragedy strikes the leprosy colonies


Covid has entered the villages, and it’s heartbreaking. Please consider helping.

Mourning the loss of our leader

We can’t sugarcoat the devastation that Covid-19 is starting to have in the leprosy colonies and villages. One of the colony leaders just passed away from this unforgiving disease, and we are utterly heartbroken. 

Our concern is that many additional patients and their families have been exposed. We need your prayers like never before.

No one wants to enter the colonies.

We actively planned and strategized to ensure that patients and staff had the supplies they needed to thrive during the lockdown. We stockpiled goods for at least three months and are continuing to serve our patients without reservation. 

As you know, the stigma of leprosy is very real, and most people are not willing to enter the colonies to care for the sick or prepare bodies for burial.  

Anu, from our team, is fearlessly caring for and working alongside families to make preparations. It’s one of the most selfless things we’ve seen, and it fills us with tears and overwhelm thinking about the tasks ahead of Anu and the rest of the team. 

We read the reports, and we mourn, yet our faith remains strong. 

A specific prayer is that we will be allowed to continue ministering in the colonies. This moment in time, more than ever, is a way for us to show villagers that we are willing to show up and love them no matter the circumstance. 

Our desire is to partner with God and walk like Jesus might have walked in the leprosy villages – praying for the infirmed, healing the sick, and caring for the orphans and the widows. 

To continue our work, we need to raise $90,000, and we wholeheartedly believe that our God will make a way. If you’d like to join us in this Emergency Relief Fund, please donate here. 

All funds raised will go directly to the patients and staff members. Your gift will guarantee medical aid, food, Bibles, shoes, and more for our patients and their families while we weather this potential outbreak. 

Thank you for your unwavering willingness to support our ministry both financially and in prayer. 

Continued Vaccines Distribution Delays

As we shared in last month’s update, it’s been harder than anticipated to get vaccines distributed to the leprosy colonies. We are continuing to work with officials to ensure that our patients and staff can receive the vaccine if they so desire. 

Praying for Rose and Anil

Over the last few months, Anil, our director, and his wife Rose have encountered unexpected heartache as well. Rose and the kids traveled to Malaysia to update visas and have been unable to return to India due to travel restrictions. As you can imagine, the separation has been sad and hard to bear as they have no idea when Rose and the kids will return home. Please pray for miraculous intervention and that this family will be reunited very soon!

We are believing that the Lord’s peace will guide our patients and staff over these coming weeks. There is such suffering, and so much that needs to be done to serve those who are hurting.