This is how shoes combat leprosy

EAV, Leprosy

Our friends at Hand of Hope generously provided a way for us to purchase the medical van you see in the pictures below. Because we can travel to villages near and far, we’re able to get customized shoes to people who desperately need them faster than ever before! 

People like Anbazakan, a gentleman who couldn’t afford shoes for his leprosy afflicted feet but needed them to provide food for his family.

As you can imagine, Anbazakan was so happy to receive his new pair of shoes! He told the team that he was amazed that we could make shoes fit his feet so perfectly.

He and his wife Govindamma live in one of the remote villages in the Villupuram district of Tamilnadu. He’s been suffering from leprosy for 19 years, but today, Anbazakan is walking with confidence as he herds goats to provide income for his family. 

And the best part? He doesn’t have to worry about causing further damage to his foot, and the ulcers now have a chance to heal!

Thank you for your interest in Embrace a Village.

Without the generous support from our donors, we wouldn’t have the gas to travel, the ability to hire shoemakers to create these feet-saving shoes, or the resources needed to make this outreach a reality. 

Will you help us make a difference in the lives of those impacted by leprosy today? If you’d like to take a look at the various outreaches you can help support, head to our website and view our Giving Catalog.