The tender story of a man who lost his hands and feet to leprosy


Thankaraj cannot walk or speak.

Leprosy stole his hands and feet, and he scoots on the floor to get around.

He is from an area that we refer to as “The Hill Country,” an area that we visit monthly. We meet in a local YMCA and administer bandages, serve food, give counseling, and minister with the villagers. People travel between 50-120 kilometers and change buses up to four times to attend our program. There is even a local advocate that telephones the community when we arrive. 

Leprosy resources are limited in this area due to its remoteness, and those with leprosy are shunned, so they always get excited when they hear that EAV is in town. The program is very well attended, and it is a joyous occasion for both the villagers and our staff. We missed them very much during April-May of last year, when we couldn’t go due to COVID19. 

During one of our outreaches, we met Thankaraj, and we learned that he had no family and was all alone. When we asked him to come to our rehab center, he agreed to come. 

But his heart is broken from the pain of his past. 

When we ask about his family, he cries and cries. We fervently ask you to pray for restoration over his heart, mind, and body. 

We believe God has plans for him that far exceed what we can hope for or imagine. 

If you’d like to join our monthly giving program or send a one-time gift to support our Rehabilitation Center, you may do so here.

Thank you for your continued prayers and support for patients like Thankaraj. We are so grateful.