The story of Jaipunisha – from trauma to joy

Children, EAV, Leprosy, Stories

From Trauma to Joy: the transformative power of God’s love for leprosy patients.

Jaipunisha’s story is one filled with heartache, pain, and loneliness. At the young age of 25, she was diagnosed with leprosy, one of the most stigmatized diseases in the world. Her family and community turned their backs on her, leaving her to live in isolation and despair.

But in 2010, something miraculous happened. Embrace a Village began working in Kumbakonam – Jaipunisha’s life was forever changed. The transformative power of God touched her soul, and she began attending their prayer services regularly. Despite the pain and suffering she had endured, Jaipunisha found the strength to live a joyful life.

Now, in her 70s, Jaipunisha is a different person. Her face radiates joy and happiness, a testament to the healing power of faith and love. But Embrace a Village needs your help to continue providing support to people like Jaipunisha. Your donations help us provide care and comfort to those in need – your support makes all the difference.

We are a team of 50+ devoted workers, in 35 villages, dedicated to bringing Jesus Christ’s message of hope and healing to the lives of over 3,500 people weekly. We believe that God is guiding us to expand our reach and share His love with even more people this year. Your support helps us keep our hospice center open, sustain our village visits, and continue all our other programs. We really are able to make an impact because of your generosity!