The story of Devraj – a leprosy patient who found hope

Children, EAV, Stories

Heartwarming tale of hope and courage.

Today we share with you the incredible story of Devraj, a leprosy patient from a small village in Pollachi, Coimbatore district.

Devraj was a farmer who was affected by leprosy at the age of 30. Sadly, his family never took him to a hospital for treatment and instead took him to a village medicine man for a cure. Since he didn’t get the care he needed,  ulcers began to form on his skin, and his parents isolated him in a small hut, never allowing him to come out.

During a government leprosy survey in the village, the workers came upon Devraj. After suffering alone and being neglected, Devraj was finally admitted to a leprosy hospital for treatment. Despite his hopes of returning to his farming work, the physical pain he experienced from the disease made it nearly impossible for him to stand in the sun for long periods. To make matters worse, Devraj’s life took another devastating turn when his parents passed away a few years later, leaving him to struggle with his condition all by himself.

Through the darkness and despair, Devraj clung to hope – that’s when Embrace a Village appeared in his life. They saw his pain, his suffering, and his heart, and immediately began providing him with the much-needed ulcer care treatment he deserved. With the team’s unwavering support and care, Devraj began to experience healing and restoration, his ulcers slowly but surely disappearing. The Embrace a Village team continues to visit him weekly, giving him the love and compassion he so desperately needed and never received.

Devraj’s story is a reminder that even in the most challenging circumstances, there is always hope. We at Embrace a Village are proud to have played a part in Devraj’s journey toward recovery and well-being, and we hope that his story will inspire you. 

Thank you for helping make this type of care and support possible. 

We believe that God is guiding us to expand our reach and share His love with even more people this year. Your support helps us keep our hospice center open, sustain our village visits, and continue all our other programs. We really are able to make an impact because of your generosity!