She said she would have died, if not for EAV

EAV, Leprosy, Stories

She said she would have died a long time ago if not for Embrace a Village. 

This is Gowri’s story.

When Gowri was 25, she contracted leprosy. She and her husband barely survived on his labor wages, but they made ends meet. Despite ten years of leprosy treatment, she lost toes and fingers. 

After her husband died a few years ago, Gowri was left all alone. She felt hopeless about the future. How do you survive if you have no income? Today, she’s a 70 year old widow who receives Rs 1000 from the Indian government, but it does little to provide for her needs. 

Two years ago, Gowri heard about EAV. She was thrilled when she learned she could receive treatment and get the rice she desperately needed. Even though it’s a 30 kilometers trek to meet us, she does it with excitement saying, “If I would not have found this EAV team I would have been dead and gone, because of my poor income.“ 

Gowri experiences the love of God through the EAV team and is thankful for all the help through the self-care packets and rice. 

Just recently, she received a new pair of shoes from us, and she was so excited to share her joy with the team!

Every gift and every prayer makes a difference in the lives of people like Gowri. There are many more patients like her who need assistance. When you donate a financial gift through Embrace a Village, rest assured that 100% of the donation goes towards helping these precious people. If we don’t help them, who will? 

To learn more about ways to give, click here. Thank you for bringing transforming help to the lives of those impacted by leprosy.


Joe, Anil and Team EAV