Renewed life through simple care

EAV, Leprosy, Stories

Your generosity provides hope.

Today we get to share how your faithfulness and God’s grace have allowed us to serve Mrs. Pavayee.

Mrs. Pavayee is a sweet woman who found hope to stay alive through the EAV volunteers.

Before her diagnosis of leprosy about 15 years ago, Mrs. Pavayee lived a very full and happy life with her husband and three children – two daughters and a son.

Obviously, a lot changes when the illness sets in. Mrs. Pavayee needed care, but sadly her husband passed away and life became very troubled. She was left alone to fend for herself as her children were not going to take care of her due to the disease.

Mrs. Pavayee was surviving in her own village with support from Embrace A Village and government pension until about two months ago.

She became worse, both her legs got infected and she was not able to walk.  Without being able to walk, her day-to-day activities of life were becoming too difficult for her. In a moment of hope, she approached an Embrace A Village volunteer requesting them to take her with them to the Embrace A Village Hospice. They obliged and took her into Embrace A Village. Today, Mrs. Pavayee is healing well, she says that she is forever grateful to the people in Embrace A Village.

Mrs. Pavayee is our 80-year-old beautiful, happy, and ever-smiling grandmother at Embrace A Village and we are thankful for the opportunity to serve her!

We share this so you may see how your generosity is truly helping to change lives. 

Thank you for continuing to partner with us as we serve the villages.