Refusing to beg, Moses worked through the pain to provide

EAV, Leprosy

Moses knew that God had plans for him and he kept trusting that the Lord would provide.

Moses, the tea master

Young Moses was a 25-year-old tea master, with a young wife and children. One day, he noticed unusual spots on his chest, but life was full and busy with his growing family, and he didn’t think much about it. 

Sadly, tragedy struck, and his wife got sick and died. He was heartbroken and unsure how to move forward. He decided to leave his kids with his mother-in-law and go away to work. Years passed, and Moses continued to provide for his mother-in-law and children. 

But soon, tragedy struck again. The unusual marks on his chest started to spread all over his body, and he was informed that he had leprosy. He thought it was a skin allergy that would be quickly resolved and was shocked by the diagnosis. 

Moses was scared to go to the leprosy hospital because of the horrific stigma attached, but as he looked at his hands and the patches covering his body, he knew he had no other option but to seek help at the hospital. He gathered up his courage and was admitted. 

He lived at the hospital for many years, and the isolation and separation from his loved ones took their toll. No one wanted to come near because of his ulcers, and he contemplated taking his own life because the pain and rejection were so great. 

Refusing to beg, no matter what

Moses had a deep resolve that regardless of what happened, he would not beg for money or food. He heard about Shalom Nagar village and decided to move there and learned how to repair old bicycles and fans to earn a living. 

He said, “I was so happy that I could do something with my leprosy-affected hands and make a living for myself without going out on the street for begging. Even though the money that I was making was very little, I was happy with what I was doing. All the people in the village were very amazed at my determination to work and make money.  My hands were clawed and it was really very difficult for me to work with them. I had to be really careful of how I work with my clawed hands; that I should not hurt them in the process.” 

Asking God for guidance

Due to his physical condition, it was hard to work long hours and make enough money to cover the medicines, bandages, and special shoes he needed to protect his feet. He realized he couldn’t make enough to cover his expenses or care for his family. It made him very sad. He asked God to show him a way to improve his earnings so he could take care of himself and his family.

Moses said, “As an answer to my prayers, God sent a group of people from Embrace a Village into the village where I stayed. They really took good care of me by providing me with all the medical care and the special shoes for my ulcer infected foot. I really feel that they are a blessing in my life; God really answered all my prayers, and now I am working with my own hand, and God has provided all my needs according to his riches. Thank you, Embrace a Village.”

Our team recently sat down with Moses, and he shared his heart with us. We thought you might enjoy this short clip.

The dollar goes far in India, and every penny counts.

A one-time gift of $25, $50, or $100 can help us continue providing bandages, customized footwear, and nutrition to patients like Moses. Depending on the season, new needs arise, and with spring and summer coming, your gift would mean so much. 100% of your donations serve those that are affected by Leprosy.  Thank you for your consideration in changing the lives of so many.