Outcasted from society, yet Palaniswami found hope.

EAV, Leprosy, Stories

Outcasted from society, yet he found hope.

We have had the honor to serve Palaniswami in our hospice center, his experience with leprosy first starts when he was only 22 years old. He didn’t know what was happening to him or where to turn. He first sought out help from a witch doctor, but his condition worsened quickly. When he finally visited a medical doctor, Palaniswami was immediately sent to the government hospital with a leprosy diagnosis and treatment.

Like so many others, Palaniswami’s family and friends didn’t want anything to do with him once he received a leprosy diagnosis. Even though his condition was bad, no one came to help or support him. He ended up having to stay in the hospital for a year. The severity of his condition resulted in Palaniswami losing all of his toes. He was coming to the end of his will to live. 

Finally, the Embrace a Village team got to meet Palaniswami and invited him to come to live at our hospice center. He was hesitant, as many are. He didn’t know why we would be showing such kindness to him. He did end up coming to live at the hospice center and has known great improvement since!

He has been with us for nearly 5 years now! He is surrounded by people who truly love and care for him, supporting him through the most difficult time of his life. Palaniswami now knows hope and joy like never before. Thank you for praying with us and supporting the work we do – it allows us to help so many like Palaniswami.

We feel God is leading us to reach even more this year with His love, will you consider helping us reach them? If you are not already, will you consider monthly support of EAV? Our monthly donors keep our hospice center open, our visits to villages consistent, and all our other programs moving forward. Thank you! Keep an eye out for more stories like this.