Leprosy tried to destroy his family, but this family held together

EAV, Leprosy

Kaliyan and his wife are a powerful testament that leprosy doesn’t always destroy the family unit.

The farmer and his wife

Kaliyan and his wife married and enjoyed a beautiful and peaceful first year of marriage. He was a farmer by trade, and their life was a happy one, but sadly, that all changed. He no longer tends the land because shortly after their first anniversary, he noticed patches on his leg. 

A stressor for him was not receiving proper treatment for his leprosy, and he went to many hospitals seeking help. As the ulcers progressed, he lost his toes, and the ulcers spread to his fingers too. 

Finding hope and treatment

Soon after, God opened a new way for him to receive treatment, medicines, and supplemental food through Embrace a Village. We now visit Kaliyan weekly to provide groceries, necessary medication, and to dress his wounds. 

What the enemy meant for evil, God turned to good because Kaliyan is still with his wife, Kaniamma, and they have two daughters and one son! In most situations like this, the family would have deserted him, so we rejoice that they are still together! Though their life has not been easy, it’s a miracle that they united together through this tragedy. 

If you’d like to partner with us as we serve Kaliyan and other patients like him, a one-time gift of $25, $50, or $100 will go a long way in India. 100% of your donations serve those that are affected by leprosy.   

If you’d like to give, you may do so here. Thank you for your consideration in changing the lives of so many.