June Good News Update

EAV, Stories

Celebrating a decade of service

Simon Kumar has served with Embrace a Village for the last ten years. His wife and three children dedicated their hearts to this ministry, and we are so thankful for them. As they’ve gotten older, his son Roshan now serves with YWAM, his other son, Rueben, is studying in college, and their daughter, Roshini, has finished her studies and is staying at home.

Simon distributes the rice packets in the leprosy villages throughout Tamilnadu and says he loves the opportunity to show God’s love every day. He helps them with their daily activities like washing clothes, dressing wounds, serving food, helping with bathing, and taking patients to the hospital. He loves spending time with them, leading them in prayer and worship, and sharing about Jesus and His love.  

Thank you, Kumar family, for a decade of service and love!

Update on Hema from our Director

Hema is doing very well in EAV. She is reading the Bible every day. She is growing up day-by-day spiritually. She is getting a little closer to God each day. People from Embrace A Village are helping her with her spiritual growth.

One evening I was visiting EAV Center, I saw Hema sitting all alone in one corner and lost in deep thoughts. She had a very sad face. So I went near her, sat with her, and asked her what she was thinking about and why she had such a sad face. She said she misses her parents and elder sister.  

It has been almost two months since her parents and sister passed away. She was constantly having thoughts about them, the time she spent with them, and all the times that they all spent talking, laughing. She was crying uncontrollably when she said all this. I approached her gently and assured her of our love and commitment towards her.  

She said that she misses calling her parents “Papa” and “Mama” so much. I told her that she could call me “Papa” and my wife Rose as “mama.” She was so happy that she could address us as Papa and Mama. She cried with joy.  

Hema thanked me for the opportunity given to live at the EAV center. She has so much joy, happiness, and peace here. She expressed with tears how well she is being taken care of by the Embrace a Village staff. 

As we had mentioned earlier, she has a dream of becoming a nurse. I assured her that Rose and I will take good care of her and her dreams. I assured her that we will take her to find out about the details on nursing college once Rose and the kids are back from Malaysia. They are delayed there without the ability at this time to secure tickets to return to India because of COVID.  Once they are back, Rose and I will accompany her to find out the nursing colleges’ details and help her realize her dreams. Hema is so happy and thankful that Jesus chose her and brought her to EAV, and she is under the protection and guidance of Rose and me.”

(A picture of Anil and Rose, Hema and the rest of the family!)

Anil and Rose are reunited!

Thank you for praying for Rose and the kids. They obtained visas and traveled back to India, and are now all together as a family! We are so thankful.

God’s faithfulness is so evident throughout this pandemic.

To continue organizing the distribution of medical supplies and food ahead of the lockdowns, we need to raise $90,000 to stay prepared for three months out. We wholeheartedly believe that our God will make a way. If you’d like to join us in this Emergency Relief Fund, please donate here. 

All funds raised will go directly to the patients and staff members. Your gift will guarantee medical aid, food, Bibles, shoes, and more for our patients and their families while we weather this potential outbreak. 

Thank you for your unwavering willingness to support our ministry both financially and in prayer.