July Update From Embrace a Village


We just sent out our monthly newsletter for July, so if you’re not subscribed yet you can do that on our website, click here and scroll to the bottom

Here’s what’s happening at Embrace the Village in July: 

Over the years, we have worked to build a sustainable ministry that not only feeds souls with the Good News of Jesus Christ, but also fills very hungry bellies! 

One of the ways we work to consistently feed patients and families is through sustainable farming. We currently have 200 chickens, producing 6,000 eggs per month. We also have a goat farm where we have raised nearly 40 goats in one year. 

Even during a pandemic, we are able to provide food for approximately 4,000 people on a monthly basis!

If you would like to partner with us financially as we continue to grow in our farming efforts, we would be so grateful. Click here to donate now.

What’s New on Social Media

Meet Mercy, she works at our hospice center. We had a sweet chat with her on Instagram. Head over to our Instagram page and say hi! (Image changed to protect identity.)

We are Starting a Mobile Shoe Unit

Just like our mobile medical unit, we are also planning a mobile shoe unit. Our team will travel throughout remote villages in Tamil Nadu to provide custom made shoes for leprosy patients. 

Patients who live in remote villages are often forced to endure excruciating long commutes to access primary health care centers for ulcer care. This mobile shoe unit will leave shoes for patients right on their doorsteps while adhering to social distancing protocols. 

The majority of these shoes will have microcellular rubber (MCR)—a material engineered specifically for the care of patients with leprosy so their shoes do not further injure their feet. 

These shoes are vital to our patients’ healing and will help to increase their quality of life.

Healed People Heal People

When Rajesh found out he had leprosy, he felt completely broken and on the verge of death. His pastor arranged for him to receive medical care and by the grace of God, he made a full recovery! 

Rajesh wholeheartedly believes that God healed him and now dedicates his life to ministering to the patients at Embrace a Village—loving them and praying they receive the same healing he did. Watch his powerful story here.

Did You Know That Many of Our Hospice Patients Transition to Rehab? 

Our original mission was to provide people suffering from leprosy high-quality hospice care and love in their final days. But we saw that once they received proper medication and nutrition, many patients started recovering! And that’s how our rehab center came to be. God is good!

That’s what’s happening here at Embrace the Village this month. 

Thank you for partnering with us.