July Good News Update

EAV, Leprosy

Celebrating a decade of service

Manoharan contracted leprosy at age 33 as a married man and father of two boys. He was running a small grocery shop in his village to support his family, but slowly, his health started deteriorating, and he became very weak. His wounds got worse, and he had ulcers on his hands and legs. The family found it hard to take care of him. 

He heard about EAV and came for treatment and care and has been at our hospice for about 18 months. His ulcers have healed, and he also accepted Jesus into his heart! Manoharan feels that his life has changed completely!

He’s more at peace, has lots of joy and happiness, and his overall health is better. Manoharan is very grateful to Jesus for this wonderful life that he is living currently despite his illness.

An Update from Rose about Being Stranded in Malaysia

“This is my testimony of how God provided a way for us when everything looks impossible. We got stuck in Malaysia for four months during the Covid-19.

Danny, Arpitha, and I had gone to Malaysia on 19th February 2021 to renew the passport and get a Malaysian Card for Danny.

 We arrived in Malaysia and stayed at my sister’s place and got the card and passport renewed.  We wanted to get back to India after the work was done.  Due to the pandemic situation, we required an EXIT PERMIT to leave Malaysia.  We had applied for the Exit Permit.  It was getting rejected for various reasons every time we applied. 

 Finally, God answered our prayers and the Malaysian Government changed the rules for Malaysians who hold long-term visas to other countries to exit Malaysia without applying for an exit permit.  Hallelujah! We booked our tickets and got back to India!

Praise God for His ways. We are together again as a family.”

Thousands of Meals Provided Thanks to Your Generosity 

These are figures from April – June of 2021. Here’s how your giving has impacted lives in India.

  • Distributed 439 custom shoes to leprosy patients
  • Provided 7815 meals to our afterschool students and staff
  • Delivered 120,210 meals of rice to the colonies
  • Nourished hospice patients with 19,194 meals 
  • Transported 5,571 medical care packages to villagers

We are so excited about all that God is doing! Thank you for partnering with us! Learn more here.

We are grateful to share these encouraging updates with you and appreciate your love and support!

Bless you, 

Joe, Anil, and Team EAV