Joe’s highly anticipated trip to India

EAV, Stories

After nearly two years, Joe finally made it to India!

And the pictures are worth a thousand words.

Joe and the staff coordinated his visit as a surprise for the patients, and they were so surprised!

There was so much joy and celebration during his time there.

Joe connected with old friends, encouraged the staff, visited with patients, and saw firsthand all the amazing renovations that have been done at the Embrace a Village hospice and rehabilitation center.

We are so grateful he had the chance to go after such a long waiting period due to the pandemic! Praise the Lord for opening the doors for safe travel and an incredible visit. We will share more updates on his conversation with Hema and more stories from his time there soon!

Did you know that patients learn how to care for the livestock and go back to their villages to put their new skills into practice?

Here’s a quick clip from Joe about our Chicken Project.

In honor of Thanksgiving

Here’s an update on our Turkey Project!

If you’d like to partner with us to fund these agricultural projects that play such a vital role in helping our patients earn an income, please donate here. 

All funds raised go directly to the patients and staff members.

Thank you for your unwavering willingness to support our ministry both financially and in prayer. 

Happy Thanksgiving and God bless you!

Joe, Anil, and Team EAV