It’s Giving Tuesday!

Children, EAV, Leprosy, Stories

Today is Giving Tuesday – a beautiful way to start the giving season with an act of generosity. 

This time of year holds a lot for all of us. As you shop for gifts, prepare for meals around the table with loved ones, and reflect on the celebration of Jesus’ birth, will you consider a gift to Embrace a Village?

The EAV team is ready to go further and serve more people than ever before, but we need your help. Support from the body of Christ puts meals on the tables of families who wouldn’t have it otherwise. Your gift helps us put shoes on the feet of those in pain but without the means to purchase any. A donation today could mean a child gets help with their education tomorrow and an opportunity to break the cycle of poverty in their family.

God is at work in India, in the villages, and in the families we serve – join us in bringing light and love to a place that has known such darkness. Thank you for all the ways you’ve supported us! 

Make your special Giving Tuesday gift here! 

God bless you, and we thank you!

Joe, Anil, and Team EAV