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Dear family, 

Although life at Embrace a Village is different during the COVID-19 pandemic, we wanted to take a moment to share about life in southern Asia when things aren’t quite as chaotic. Our team is dedicated to keeping our patients and their families safe during this outbreak and we will be updating the blog regularly with what is happening in this ever-changing global crisis. Thank you for your prayers and support.

-Joe and Embrace a Village

Today on the blog, we’d love to share about where it all started for EAV

Our journey started with very humble beginnings. We set out with a mission to help as many people as we could in Southern Asia. In 2003, Embrace A Village was present in five colonies. We were so thankful that the Lord provided the resources needed to serve the members of the community. We weren’t sure how we were going to do this seemingly impossible task that God asked us to do.

Yet we trusted, and we prayed, and we walked in faith.

And we’ve been there ever since. 

But we serve is a country of great contrast.

It’s home to sparkling beaches, and beautiful landmarks, yet filled with poverty and small villages that have experienced unimaginable loss. We believe God called us here to remind His sons and daughters living with leprosy that they are wanted, that they are enough, and that they are loved

Now, we are active in more than 35 colonies – home to nearly 3500 people!

And God’s not done with us yet! He keeps showing us His vision and then showing up faithfully every time to make sure it happens. 

A common heart to share God’s love

Our team is beautiful and unique and comes from all different cultures, backgrounds, and experiences. God has tied us together with a mission to spread love and facilitate health and healing throughout southern Asia.

Many members of our team have grown up in a leprosy colony and understand the trials and tribulations first hand. They use their experience to connect with members in the community in a personal and authentic way, and work hard to demonstrate the love of Jesus by providing:

  • Medical services to patients
  • Custom shoes and foot care
  • Vital hygiene information that helps stop the spread of the disease
  • Rice and nutrition advice
  • Daycare and educational programs
  • Hospice services for the elderly
  • Spiritual services to the residents of the colonies 

Driving the distance to make an impact

Our team drives 2400 miles per week to provide these services to the men, women, and children who need them so desperately. To put that number into perspective, it’s like driving from Charlotte, North Carolina to Los Angeles, California – every week! 

Since we’re talking about the power of prayer in tough situations, we wanted to share a story from the field:

In the early days of the Embrace A Village mission, we had the responsibility of digging a well in a remote area that was in desperate need of water. The rocky landscape made it almost impossible to dig, and our team tried and failed over and over.

Exhausted, the group gathered one final time to pray and ask God for help. Then, they stood up and found they were all refreshed and energized. They put all of their efforts into one final attempt to find water.

And they did! 

The team rejoiced, dug the well, and was able to share two things to a very thankful colony: fresh water and an example of God’s faithfulness. 

Southern Asia holds a special place in our hearts, and we’re so excited to see what else God has in store for our team and the people who live here. Please continue to lift up the people we serve and our team as we walk through this uncertain time with the coronavirus. If we know one thing for sure, God is actively working in this crisis and we trust He is in control! God bless you.