How your support is bringing love to the villages – March 2023

Children, EAV, Leprosy, Stories

How EAV shows love and support around India…

It is an honor to watch our services expand since we started in 2003, then supporting five colonies. Today, we serve in more than 35 colonies throughout Tamil Nadu, with a vision to expand Jesus’ message of hope and healing across India.

Much of this growth is due to the loving hearts of our Embrace a Village team. Some of our staff have grown up in colonies themselves – and now, thanks to your prayers and support, can give back to their communities. Each day, they work long hours providing medical services, shoes, foot care, hygiene information, rice, nutrition advice, daycare, educational programs, a hospice center for the elderly, and spiritual services to the residents of the colonies. Their love for God and their fellow man are inspirational.

Our friend Jothi, pictured above, is a testimony of how care from our incredible staff can transform lives. Jothi’s life was first impacted by leprosy when she was 28 years old, she didn’t immediately receive treatment and found herself near death. Thanks to the intervention of some neighbors, Jothi was taken to the hospital where she recovered for nearly two years.

Nearly 10 years ago, Embrace a Village began to focus more on the remote villages of Tamilnadu. It’s there we met Jothi and her husband struggling to get by. Immediately the team began to take care of them by providing medical care and new shoes. It may seem like a small thing, but to Jothi it was a lifeline. They are now in a much better position in life and are so grateful for the extra support from the EAV team.


No longer suffering a life of pain.

Ganesan and his wife Andal are living in a small village near the Kallakurichi district of Tamilnadu. Ganesan contracted leprosy at a very young age and did his treatment in Thiyagadurgam leprosy hospital. His life was one of trial and pain – he is now 73 years old and his only income is a pension from the government.

All these years Ganesan didn’t want to beg for income or food, so he managed to work on the local farm as a daily laborer. He couldn’t work for long hours because of the physical condition his body was in from leprosy. 

After life took some more tragic turns, Ganesa and his wife were depending solely on the government pension money for their survival. But almost 7 years ago, during one of our visits to a nearby village, the  Embrace a Village team found Ganesan. He still remembers that day very well. He started crying because he couldn’t believe that he received rice and bandages for free.

We began to visit Ganesa at his hut and spend more time with him and got to show the love of Christ to Ganesan and his wife. That really began to transform his life. Ganesan now knows joy in his life, perhaps for the first time.


Our Latest Efforts

Hema, who we’ve shared about several times, is now in the 2nd year of her two-year primary health care course. She is really enjoying her studies and has made some good friends over the years. She is slowly gaining self-confidence and hope for a better future. Since Embrace a Village responded quickly and compassionately to the immediate emotional needs of Hema after the loss of her family, she has gained some beautiful perspectives.

Now she has the confidence that people are there to provide effective ongoing support and guidance for her. It was such a joyful moment to see Hema with Stephanie, Anitha, and Crystal.

The Embrace a Village team is ready to get to work to reach 200 families who are currently not receiving any help. From those we have been able to serve over the years, we know the urgency to reach those who do not know the message of hope nor have anyone caring for their needs.

Embrace a Family – for $70/month or one-time gift of $804/annually – you could join a mission to reach more families with the care and support so desperately needed! All of your gifts are tax-deductible and 100% directly serve the families. The funds are used to get our teams to the remote villages and cover the supplies to help the best we can!

We thank you for your contribution of prayers, support, and encouragement as we continue to reach some of the most remote villages throughout India. Know that every dollar donated and prayer sent up is directly impacting and transforming lives! How incredible.