How one man with polio is saving lives


We wanted to share a heartwarming story about one man’s sacrificial love that is saving lives. 

Due to the restrictions, our staff has been unable to serve in some of  the rural villages. At first, this was not a problem, because we sent a 30-day supply to the colonies. But as the lockdown continued, it created a dire situation for those unable to purchase additional supplies. 

Cue Kalayarasan. Thankfully, he has received permission from local authorities in the Salam District of Tamil Nadu to help us deliver the rice and medical packets for the patients and their families in the villages outside the colonies.

He stops at our base just outside of Attur to load supplies onto his two-wheeler and then goes from house to house serving our  patients and their families. They love to see him coming!

One of the most powerful parts of this story is that Kalayarasan suffers from polio. Yet, he doesn’t let that stop him from loving others! 

As a team, we publicly honor Kalayarasan for his passionate help and for being the hands and feet of Jesus.

This season has had its fill of uncertainty, but we hope that this story of Kalayarasan’s courage and love for others encourages you. 

As a ministry, we have felt covered by your prayers. There have been countless God moments and miracles that we will share in the coming weeks. If you would like to partner with us financially during this unprecedented time, we would be so grateful. Click here to donate now.