Highlights you won’t want to miss – January 2023

Children, EAV, Leprosy, Stories

Breaking cycles within the upcoming generation!

Little Lights was started to help kids impacted by leprosy thrive in their education, learn about God, and receive a nutritious meal each day. It’s free for families, helps students find joy in learning, and boosts their confidence in the classroom. 

Fancy is a 10-year-old student in our program whose grandmother suffers from leprosy. Her parents have big dreams for her, but they can’t afford to send her to an after-school program. They want her to be more engaged in learning and build her self-esteem as she becomes a young lady. When they found out about Little Lights, they were excited to send their daughter.

We are so glad Fancy is part of our program! Her soft-spoken demeanor is a joy to have in class. She loves reading her Bible, listening to songs, and dancing. Fancy is thriving, and we are excited about the plans the Lord has for her.

Fancy is part of the next generation in India, and it’s a privilege to partner with her family in leading her during these formative years.

The medical and shoe van bringing hope to the villages!

Singaravel was diagnosed with leprosy 10 years ago. He caught it early, so he was able to save his fingers, but the ulcers in his legs are very painful. Singaravel and his friends used to travel more than 50 km to our clinic for wound treatment. But after the purchase of our mobile shoe unit, we now visit his village regularly, treating wounds and providing customized MCR shoes that offer great relief to anyone suffering from leprosy. 

Singaravel received a new pair of shoes last month and told us that before he could even ask for a new pair, we provided it. He was touched by the thoughtfulness and care of the team and said, “I don’t have the money to buy this special shoe, because I’m just a poor village man, but you came to my home and given me this, I will never forget you.”

We won’t ever forget Singaravel either.

Your prayers and support are making a difference! The Embrace a Village team is ready to get to work to reach 200 families who are currently not receiving any help. From those we have been able to serve over the years, we know the urgency to reach those who do not know the message of hope nor have anyone caring for their needs.

Embrace a Family – for $70/month or one time gift of $804/annually – you could join a mission to reach more families with the care and support so desperately needed! All of your gifts are tax-deductible and 100% directly serve the families. The funds are used to get our teams to the remote villages and cover the supplies to help the best we can!

Thank you for your partnership, your prayers, and your faith – it is all felt.