Here’s why your prayers are making a difference

Children, EAV

This year has not caught God by surprise, and we are confident that He created us to not only endure 2020, but thrive as we share His love and hope with those we serve. Thank you for covering us in your prayers!

Tamil Nadu is reporting the highest COVID case numbers in India, yet God!

It is not lost on us how gracious the Lord is and how His protection continues to be evident throughout this pandemic. Please rejoice with us as we celebrate some amazing miracles!

  • All of our leaders and patients are safe
  • NO ONE has contracted the virus that we care for or work with
  • We are able to go and meet with the patients within our districts 
  • There have been no issues getting supplies to any of the village

We humbly ask that you continuing praying for us. It makes such a difference. 

Quick update on the children heading back to school:

As with western countries, the school year looks quite different here. We continue to adjust with changes in lockdown requirements and the children are doing beautifully. Today we wanted to share a sweet story about Lyappan, a happy second grader who lives in the leprosy colony and attends our after school tutoring program. 

Lyappan’s grandparents have leprosy and his mom and dad work as day laborers. Their combined efforts bring in very little income and the financial struggle is quite significant.  

Recently, his parents noticed that other children in the leprosy colony were attending the EAV after-school tutoring program. Children were improving in their schooling and receiving their best and most nutritious meal of the day. Lyappan’s parents asked if their son could attend the program too.

Since enrolling in Little Lights, Lyappan has discovered that he enjoys drawing and listening to music. His parents are thankful that he now receives educational help and a nutritious meal five days a week!

All of our programs at EAV contribute to the health and well-being of the families affected by leprosy. But more than anything, we are grateful for the ongoing opportunity to share the message of hope and healing. You can find out more about Little Lights here.

We are grateful for our staff as they serve in so many areas. Whether it’s tutoring children, serving patients in hospice, working alongside rehabilitated patients, creating shoes, discipling, and more, these men and women lead with humility and grace. 

It is so encouraging to witness the Body of Christ rise up and declare the mighty name of Jesus. We are full of faith that the best is yet to come. The God we serve is the Rock that we stand on. He is unshakable and we are moving into the future with hearts turned to Heaven’s voice as we follow His leading.