Giving kids the opportunity to dream big!

Children, EAV, Little Lights After School Tutoring, Stories

Kids have the opportunity to dream big! 

Leprosy affects the entire family and it’s no surprise that the children’s prospects for the future suffer. Without a good education, they often remain living in the colonies and the cycle of poverty and hopelessness continues. Our hope is that more support and encouragement with their schoolwork will lead to more opportunities to dream bigger and create a life outside of the colonies. 

Pavithra is a happy 10-year-old girl in the 5th grade! She is so bright and regularly attends our Little Lights program for additional tutoring and support in her academics. Unfortunately, Pavithra’s grandparents were greatly affected by leprosy – this led to generations of poverty and a lack of opportunity for quality education. Pavithra is breaking that cycle!

We are able to not only provide academic support for the children who attend our program but also serve nutritious meals. Nutrition is so important to a child’s ability to learn and pursue their education, we are thankful to be able to help fill in the gaps for these families!

Pavithra is slowly learning to read and write English, she really has a desire to learn a second language. Right now Pavithra’s desire is to be a school teacher, her parents are so proud!

We desire to see these children pursue a career that aligns with the calling and gifts God has given them – not limited by their circumstances. 

One of our 2022 initiatives is to develop career guidance and counseling for students in the 10th, 11th, and 12th grades. We want to help our Little Lights Children find their true calling in life, and to identify the top careers that they care about. Once they have a dream to pursue, we will be there to help prepare them for further education, apply for college, and seek training. 

We imagine a place for these children to find support in their education, spiritual journey with God, and their future! We will see these kids grow up to break the cycles of poverty and shame in their families. We are eager to see God continue to work through this program and the young men and women we get to serve!

Your support allows us to serve so many and create bright futures for children throughout the villages!

We’re grateful for you and look forward to sharing more stories about how these beautiful children are chasing their God-given dreams.

God Bless,

Joe, Anil, and Team EAV