From living on the streets to be provided for – one story that humbles us deeply

EAV, Leprosy, Stories

God sees the needs long before we do!

Krishnaveni is a sweet woman who lives alone in one of the leprosy colonies in Chennai. Leprosy has impacted her since she was 17 years old, and now at 68, her only source of income is begging. 

As you can imagine, she’s suffered a lot in her life. She has gone without proper nutrition, clothing, and many other necessities. She was rejected by her own family, and stayed in different leprosy hospitals and homes during her childhood. 

Begging on the streets was the only way she could keep herself alive, but the money was not sufficient for her food and bandages. 

Imagine being in such a place of hopelessness, but then God sending help!

Through divine connections, we met Krishnaveni and now support some of her most basic needs!

We can joyfully report that from now on, Krishnaveni will always have bandages for her ulcers and food to strengthen her. In fact, after some proper ulcer care and treatment, many of her ulcers healed! 

We know that the Lord has a bright future for Krishnaveni!

We see stories like Krishnaveni’s too often – and we are on a mission to break the stigma surrounding leprosy and support our patients as they heal, grow, and thrive. 

On the two acres where our Rehabilitation Center is located, we raise goats, chickens, turkey, and fish. These farming projects not only provide meals for our patients and staff, but also provide social enterprise opportunities for our patients as they heal and return home.

Check out one of those projects in the video below!

By God’s grace and through the generosity of people like you, we can help break the cycle of poverty and disease.

We invite you to bring hope and healing to people like Krishnaveni through giving. When you join Embrace Hope, you directly impact lives impacted by leprosy.

Discover all our ongoing projects here!

Thank you for your generosity!

God bless you,

Joe, Anil, and Team EAV