COVID-19 Update


Hello Embrace a Village family,

We are living through a period in history that generations after us will learn about in school. It’s an intense time, and many of us are at a crossroads. 

Do we choose faith or fear? 

We can’t deny what is happening in our physical world, but our hearts rejoice, knowing that there is not one detail missed by God, and He is in our midst. He is faithful, and He is good.

We pray this post finds you and your family safe and well. If there is anything that we can be praying for, please don’t hesitate to let us know. Hit “comment” below and please share with us or emails us at 

Our team would be honored to join you in intersession.

While much of the Western world is reporting unprecedented amounts of COVID-19 cases, India is not experiencing the same level of high volume new cases.

However, at midnight tonight, the entire country will enter a 21-day lockdown. That’s roughly 1.3 billion people! 

India currently has 536 cases at the time that this is posted. We know that testing is key in identifying case numbers, so it could possibly change in the coming weeks. 

As you know, this is an unseen enemy, and we do not know where it is and who may be unknowingly carrying it, so below is an outlined process of what we are doing to combat the spread of coronavirus.

  • The hospice and rehabilitation centers are currently on lockdown. We had issued this 2 weeks before the 21-day government lockdown was ordered. No outside visitors and no new patients are currently being admitted.
  • Our team is actively engaging our patients and trying to keep them occupied, so there are a lot of prayer meetings happening – Praise God!
  • We have dropped off medical self-care packets and rice to the villages we serve. They have enough supplies to cover the next month. We will reassess in four weeks and follow the guidelines that the Indian government and WHO provides.
  • We also adhere to CDC hygiene guidelines with our staff and are continually keeping up with our team to ensure their safety and health. 

This is a rapidly evolving situation, and we will keep you informed about what is happening in India. 

Thank you all for your continued prayers and support.

May God bless you and protect you now and always,

Joe and Embrace a Village