Bring hope to the next Sarasu

EAV, Leprosy

Our team is working hard to bring healing and hope to the leprosy colonies where we serve. Here’s how you can help.

When I think about Sarasu and how far she’s come over the last 18 years, it brings tears to my eyes. This precious woman was at the end of her rope. Her fingers were mangled, she had many toes missing, and nothing about life was easy. Her pain was excruciating, her burdens ran deep, and she’d lost the will to live. 

Someone found her near a railway and took her in. Soon after, Sarasu joined the leprosy colony and started begging. To many of us, that doesn’t sound like an upgrade, but to Sarasu it was the beginning of her life truly changing. 

Sadly though, before it got better, it got worse. The ulcers kept growing, and anything she earned from begging went towards bandages for her wounds. The pain made her immobile, and all hope looked lost until one day, we met Sarasu during our weekly medical program.

Our trained nurses treated the ulcers, and slowly, they began to heal. We also provided MCR shoes to protect her feet from further infection. Sarasu’s joy was tangible as she realized that she was starting to get better!

Like many of our patients, she was curious about the one true God we serve at EAV. She started attending our regular prayer time, and the Lord revealed HIs love for her. Today she praises Him in the pain and is so grateful to be part of our community. 

Sarasu’s story is just one example of hundreds of lives that have been impacted by EAV over the years. We’re able to serve the way we do because of the generosity of our monthly donors. This beautiful community is full of grace filled, loving people just like you. They’re changing the world, and we want you to be part of it.  Join Embrace Hope here, and rest assured that 100% of the proceeds go towards helping leprosy patients in India. 

Thank you for your compassionate heart. We are so grateful for you!