April Good News Update


Heading Towards One Million Cases of Covid a Day

Over the past few weeks, we’ve seen a huge uptick in the number of Covid cases throughout India. At the onset of this pandemic, we were concerned that once it hit India, it would spread quickly due to the close living quarters of so much of the population. 

Miraculously, our patients and staff continue to remain in good health. It is such an answered prayer! 

Today we’d like to share some tangible ways that you can stand with us as we prepare for another lockdown. 

Three month supply of medical aid and food

With the looming lockdown on the horizon, we are actively planning and strategizing to ensure that patients and staff have the supplies needed to thrive. We’d like to stockpile goods at least three months out so we can continue serving and providing medical aid and food without issue. 

To do this, we need to raise $90,000 — we are wholeheartedly believing that our God will make a way! If you’d like to join us in this Emergency Relief Fund, please donate here. 

All funds raised will go directly to the patients and staff members. Your gift will guarantee medical aid, food, bibles, shoes, and more for our patients and their families while we are under lockdown! Thank you for your unwavering willingness to support us both financially and in prayer. 

Vaccines Distribution Delays

It’s been harder than anticipated to get vaccines distributed throughout India and our base is no exception. We are eagerly working with officials to ensure that our patients and staff can receive the vaccine if they so desire. 

Our patients often joke that leprosy bacteria seems to be stronger than the Covid virus since none of them have gotten it, and we are praying that’s the case!

Covid Medicine and Oxygen Shortage 

As you’ve probably seen in the news, India is experiencing a shortage of necessary medicines and oxygen to treat Covid. Please stand with us in prayer that the Lord will open the floodgates for people to get the treatment they need to heal. This is a unique time where the world’s eyes are on India, and it’s a beautiful season for the church to rally together and petition Heaven on behalf of those who are most vulnerable. 

We are believing that the Lord will shine a light on the current medical situation but also the everyday living conditions that the people endure and that it will break our hearts for what breaks His. There is such suffering, and so much that needs to be done to serve those who are hurting. 

Thank you for being part of our ministry whether that’s praying for us, financially contributing towards the work God is doing, or following along and sharing with friends and family. We are so grateful.