Abraham’s story: Jesus is the reason for my Joy!

EAV, Stories

Jesus is the reason for my Joy

Abraham had big dreams. He wanted to make money and build a fine house for his family. As a young man, he worked with his father selling fish, but that all changed when he noticed patches on his skin. 

The patches that didn’t heal and continued to spread

After many doctor’s visits, he was eventually diagnosed with leprosy. His face transformed due to the disease, and it impacted his nose and eyes. Like most people impacted by this horrible disease, he felt so alone. He knew he couldn’t stay in his village because of the ulcers on his legs and hands, so he left home and started begging. 

Finding hope when all felt lost

Years went by before a group of people visited his village and provided him with free bandages and 10 kg of rice. They loved Jesus and started sharing the gospel with the entire village during their weekly visits. During that time, Abraham became a Christian, and God gave him a joyful heart. 

That team that visited? That was Embrace a Village. 

Today, Abraham is a man of prayer and a great singer. 

He says “As long as I live I will sing for the Lord, because he has given me joy where I thought my life is finished. Jesus has given me a new life to begin with. Thank you Jesus.”

Now Abraham is 65 years old and lives in a leprosy colony in Chennai with his wife Anna and his daughter Mary. You’ll see a recent picture of Abraham with a staff kid named Crystal in the slides below. So much joy! We are so thankful for them both!

Abraham is a man of joy even though he has leprosy, and he says, “The reason for my joy is Jesus.” He is a prayer warrior for our ministry and for those we serve and we are so blessed by him!

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