A little help goes a long way.

Leprosy, Stories

A little help goes a long way.

We are often humbled by the people we get to serve and care for through the Embrace a Village mission. They have seen the world at its worst and know pain intimately. It is a privilege to come alongside them and be an example of light and love in the darkness. 

Perumal is our friend from a small village called Kilselatha. For many years was able to support his family by working at the local Tea Estate. But everything changed when he discovered patches forming at the age of 40. He tried to get treatment at the village clinic, but they provided the wrong type of medication, and his condition worsened. 

After a few months of the wrong treatment, he was encouraged to go to the larger government hospital. There he learned the patches were leprosy, and he finally was able to receive the proper treatment – but in some ways, it was already too late. He had painful bilateral foot ulcers, bilateral claw hands, and shortened fingers. The treatment worked, but the deformity remained. 

As we hear too often, the deformities and fear of spreading the disease among the village resulted in Perumal losing his job and only source of income. Life completely changed for his family – for nearly 12 years they suffered from intense hunger and Perumal was consistently in pain. He didn’t have the proper bandages to care for his ulcers and no shoes to protect him from developing more. 

Thankfully since Embrace a Village recently started work in the hill station, we were able to meet Perumal and help his family to recover from years of hunger and neglect. We provide them with a 10kg bag of rice every month, bandages, and proper MCR shoes! Their gratitude was so evident, it was as if these small gestures were heaven to them. 

Perumal says that he never imagined in his life that someone would come and help him, but thanks God for Embrace a Village.

There are many families in the hill station who, like Perumal’s family, have been left with no way to recovery and provide for themselves. We simply get to carry the heart of God into these places and show up in small ways that make huge impacts. Will you join us in showing God’s love to these families? Consider the amount of money you’d spend on providing a meal for your family this holiday season – that dollar amount could go so far in serving the people of India who have no one else. 

If you feel led to answer this special ask, you can donate here, and 100% of that donation will go directly to transforming lives within the villages. Thank you for being a part of this mission and for supporting EAV in so many ways.