Left sick and alone in a hut – how one man found Hope

EAV, Leprosy

It is common for leprosy patients to experience rejection from friends, family, and society. They are cast out because people are afraid of catching the disease. Sadly, they don’t know that this is a curable condition. The wounds usually limit a person’s ability to work, and when someone is not able to help provide for themselves or their family, they often feel hopeless. It is our mission to help bring hope and medical care to those affected by leprosy, either directly or indirectly! 

Today we want to share a special story about our friend, Karuppan. He was a woodcutter in southern India, but in his mid-thirties, he contracted leprosy. His family started rejecting him, and after a few years, he was bedridden. They moved him into an isolation hut, and it was a heartbreaking season of his life. 

One day, Karuppan met one of our teams while we were visiting his village. When we arrive in a village, we provide wound cleaning, medication, and assess the medical needs of the people. Sometimes that looks like setting up surgery options for patients and ensuring the financial cost is covered. We also spend much of our time praying with people and leading Bible studies for those who wish to learn more. The mission is to share the all-encompassing hope found in a relationship with Jesus. Karuppan discovered hope in Jesus and now walks in a relationship with him! 

Karuppan’s story is just one example of why we passionately pursue hearts with the Truth of God’s Word. While not everyone is open to our Lord, many listen, come to know Him, and are baptized. Sharing God’s love is the single most important part of our ministry. 

And although leprosy tries to destroy lives, with God’s help, we bring hope and healing. And so can you! If you’d like to join us in sharing love and hope with the villagers, then we invite you to join our Embrace Hope Monthly Giving Program. 

Your generosity will touch every aspect of our ministry including nutritional aid, medical care, tutoring programs, spiritual growth, and more! Thank you for your support and prayers. We are so grateful!