50 years with leprosy – still joy-filled and hope-focused

EAV, Stories

50 years with a disease that tried to steal her joy, yet she chose hope every time. 

We love sharing stories of the men and women whose lives are transformed through an encounter with Jesus. Today we’d love to introduce you to a kind grandmother named Suseela.

When Suseela was 27 years old, she contracted leprosy. She was treated for the disease and lived a happy life with her two children and husband. But as she got older, her husband passed away, and her kids started families of their own, and they didn’t have the resources needed to care for her. 

Lonely and struggling with a chronic ulcer, her doctor suggested that she visit Embrace a Village to get some much-needed care. Our team welcomed her into our hospice center three years ago. Her quality of life instantly improved, AND she encountered Jesus!

With access to medical care, nourishment, and Jesus, Suseela leads a joyful life!

Today, at the age of 77, Suseela has food, a home, medications, treatment, prayers, and friends. She enjoys spending time listening to the Word of God and praying. 

Suseela knows she is surrounded by loving people and never feels alone. She recently told our staff that she is leading a meaningful life at EAV and is happy! 

We receive stories like this from our staff all the time, and we pray this story encourages you! If you have not already joined and would like to bless others like Suseela, please consider partnering with our Embrace Hope monthly giving program.

We’re grateful for your support and look forward to sharing more stories about hope restored as God continues moving in our ministry.