19,000 hospice meals provided this year so far!

EAV, Leprosy

Easter morning, our hospice buzzed with excitement and hope as they worshiped Jesus the King!

Patients relate with the Resurrection on a deep level

Easter morning at our base buzzes with excitement. Patients wake up early in anticipation of the service ahead. It’s a special day for them because they’ve experienced such pain and rejection and the Good News of Jesus gives them HOPE that one day they will have a new body just like Jesus’s resurrected body.

This year, everyone gathered for worship and prayer and Jay shared a beautiful word. It encouraged them and fueled the faith of patients and staff alike.

Most patients don’t have fingers to hold a cup, so our staff gives Holy Communion by pouring it into their mouths. The joy in their eyes is powerful. Many of the newly admitted patients are challenged as they witness the joy and hope of others in our hospice care.

Since January, we’ve served over 200 patients in our hospice and provided over 19,000 meals! This is possible because of people like you who are moved by compassion to make a difference in someone’s life. Read more incredible stories here.

Cow Milk Fuels Their Income

Nadarajan lives with his wife in a small hut. They sell their cow’s milk and live off the profit. He desperately needed MCR shoes to support his leprosy affected legs, but couldn’t afford them. Regular shoes don’t fit because of his ulcers.

We gladly give Nadarajan shoes so that he can walk without worrying about further damage. Our shoe technician sized his shoes so that they fit correctly, and he says the shoes made by EAV are a perfect fit for his legs! 

So far in 2022, we’ve given away 568 pairs of shoes! That means that 284 people impacted by leprosy are walking around with protective foot covering to shield them against infection or further damage. 

We are seeing the Lord move in such powerful ways. Thank you for journeying with us and praying over us. There are many more exciting things to share in the days ahead, so be on the lookout for more updates from us soon.